Monday-Friday: 07:00am-15:00pm
What we do

Our Services

What we do

Our Services

What we do

Our Services


Establishment of the STG company

Szatkowski Technological Group (STG) has been operating in the anti-corrosion equipment and services industry since 1995.

During this period, we produced and delivered to our clients in Poland and abroad a number of blasting chambers and blast cleaning devices.

We also provided comprehensive corrosion protection services at our company, at the customer’s facility or in a beforehand agreed location in Poland and abroad.


The beginnings

Together with our partners, we create the first blasting chamber.


Dynamic progress

We implement the first major projects signed with our brand. Also this year, our first blasting chamber is being established outside Poland (in Lithuania).


Modern solutions

The beginning of work on the automation of the cleaning process and the introduction of elements of Industry 4.0 to our products.


25 years of existence

We celebrate the 25th anniversary of being one of the largest producers of blasting chambers and anti-corrosion equipment.

our reach

Szatkowski Technological Group in numbers

0Comprehensive implementation of the blasting chambers
0Countries in which we operate
0Anti-corrosion equipment sold
0completed orders in 2019


Our offer includes an innovative set for arc spray metallization, used for making zinc, aluminum and zinc-aluminum anti-corrosive coatings. We also supply wire and accessories needed for metallization.


Zostaliśmy wyróżnieni Złotym Certyfikatem Rzetelności!

Zostaliśmy wyróżnieni Złotym Certyfikatem Rzetelności!

Zapraszamy do obejrzenia gali wręczenia Złotych Certyfikatów Rzetelności.

Gazele Biznesu 2020

Gazele Biznesu 2020

To już drugi raz, kiedy zostaliśmy laureatami rankingu „Gazele Biznesu”.

our clients

They trusted us